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Motivational message of the great writer Albert Camus


This moralist, he claimed morality should guide politics.

Albert Camus was born on November 7, 1913. He was a French-Algerian philosopher, writer, playwright and journalist. Unfortunately, on January 4, 1960, he died in a traffic accident. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957 at the age of 44, making him the second youngest winner in history. His works include The Stranger, The Plague, The Myth of Sisyphus, The Fall and The Rebel.

"Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better." - Albert Camus

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« J’avais 17 ans, en 1957, quand j’ai appris à la radio qu’Albert Camus avait reçu le prix Nobel de littérature à Stockholm. Je découvrais avec un mélange de fierté et de bonheur que l’auteur de L’étranger et de L’homme révolté, deux textes qui m’avaient profondément marquée, venait d’être couronné par la plus haute instance de distinction au monde. Me trouver ici, soixante-cinq ans plus tard, me laisse dans un profond sentiment d’étonnement et de gratitude. Etonnement devant le mystère que représentent un chemin de vie et une poursuite hasardeuse, solitaire, de l’écriture. Gratitude de m’avoir permis de rejoindre Camus et ces écrivains disparus ou contemporains que j’admire. Je voudrais aussi vous remercier au nom de ceux qui ne sont pas ici, ces hommes et ces femmes qui ont parfois trouvé dans mes livres des raisons de vivre et de lutter, de se sentir plus fiers. En récompensant mon travail, vous m’obligez à encore plus d’exigence dans la recherche d’une réalité et d’une vérité partageables.» Annie Ernaux, Prix Nobel de Littérature, 2022. "

 I was seventeen in 1957, when I heard on the radio that Albert Camus had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in Stockholm. So I discovered, with a mixture of pride and delight, that the author of L’étranger and L’homme révolté, two texts that had deeply affected me, had just been honoured by the greatest arbiter of distinction in the world. To find myself here, sixty-five years later, fills me with a sense of profound amazement and gratitude. Amazement at the mystery presented by a life’s trajectory and the uncertain, solitary pursuit of its writing. And gratitude for allowing me to join Camus and those other writers, living and dead, whom I admire. I would also like to thank you on behalf of those who are not here, those men and women who have on occasion discovered in my books some reasons to live and to push back, reasons to feel proud once more. By thus rewarding my work, you compel me to work with even greater determination in search of a reality and a truth that we may share." Annie Ernaux, Nobel Prize in Literature 2022.

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