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How Adeles voice affects the baby


Music icon Adele delighted the mothers, and even more so their babies. One baby cried, and then Adele appeared and delighted everyone present. Maybe moms have a solution for babies?

The video, which went viral, delighted many moms. The baby was crying, and then mom played an Adele song on the phone. The baby stopped crying and then fell asleep.

adeleintunisia Adele

This baby has a very good taste of music ❤️ .

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The video went viral, and then beautiful messages followed.

slikrick_713 Slik Rick

You I know people make music for a lot of different reasons but to be able to see the effects your music has on a child has to be one of the most amazing feelings ever felt, pure beauty.

martinezarelyta Arelyta❤️Adara Martínez

❤️❤️❤️❤️ Its a story similar to what happened to me with my baby since I was in my womb that I went through difficult times and I played music and although it seems incredible it calmed down and now I play music and it stays calm..


Your music puts me asleep at least 1 night a week just put playlist on close my eyes and 10-15 mins zzzz😴your music is beautiful 😍 ps:one night is Metallica beautiful in a different way 😂

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