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Pregnancy fitness instructor Landra Elisabeth can do this!?


Landra Elisabeth is a Certified Lifestyle Coach, as she writes on her Instagram profile. She shared an amazing video with her followers.

Landra Elisabeth is a Certified Lifestyle Coach, and she recently shared an amazing video on her Instagram profile. This video highlighted the power of her message – the importance of fulfillment and attaining self-love. Landras aim with this video was to motivate, encourage and inspire others to live their best lives. Her incredible success as a coach speaks volumes to her ability to connect with people, motivating them toward a life of joy and fulfillment.


Dog Moms are NOT the New MILFS - but I totally had to use this sound while Im still just a Dog Mom 😋 My Baby is due in just over 16 Weeks ...gahh thats crazy even thinking that! But I fully intend to be a Momma (Baby Momma And Dog Momma) with a Strong, Powerful Physique and the Fitness Skills to Match! Watching my physique fade away is extremely hard for me mentally. This week has been the hardest week mentally yet... but knowing who I am and the determination I have to be A Strong, Athletic, Momma excites me. I cannot wait to jump into the challenge ... but first I must take it easy and lift these light weights while Little Baby "R" continues to grow in Mommas Body ❤️


January 1st Normally I have some super motivating post typed out .. But To Be Honest - this Mama is too tired to write out a whole post on what my goals are this year. This stage of postpartum is extremely exhausting and most days/weeks I feel like Im treading water just trying to keep my head up. Motherhood truly is the most challenging yet rewarding experience there is. Ive always been someone to look a challenge in the eye, give it a wink and say lets do this ... so thats what Im going to do - in motherhood, in my physique goals, in my career goals. I have a feeling 2023 is going to show me just how strong and adaptable I am. Lets do this💪❤️


38.5 Weeks Pregnant 🤰 💪 1.5 Weeks or Less to Go!

As fitness instructor Landra Elisabeth shared her video, so did the comments.


I been two times pregnant n been able to do absolutely everything. I ride bike in week 38 , lift up sofa and move all furniture to clean house. Its all depends of women we r not all same n not all women can do this or that. We all should listen our body and nobody else. We know what is best for us and baby.

u_can_call_me_j Jordan Bratcher

I look at pregnant people and the only thing I start thinking about is how I used to be pregnant and now both of those people who started out as globs of whatever the fck are taller than me and have opinions. Like I literally had a person in my body and now they exist and that whole thing is weird. I’m never gonna get over it. I know that’s ridiculous, but welcome to my brain. I’m not high or nothing. This is just a regular day’s musings 😂


Just dont share this as a normal thing for every pregnant woman. You can definitely achieve it but you need previous years of fitness to be able to keep going like that during pregnancy. This is actually very dangerous for a regular not fitness pregnant woman and thats totally normal.

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